One Water Our Water
There is only One Water—Our Water. It’s up to all of us to ensure our water is clean and safe for everyone to use and enjoy.
There is only One Water—Our Water.
We’re lucky to have fresh water flowing through every part of our lives in Greater Milwaukee. From the rivers, creeks and streams, into Lake Michigan – the source of our drinking water.

Water is where we LIVE
Water flows through our homes everyday in many ways, including washing dishes, watering the garden, brushing our teeth and flushing toilets. Using water wisely is the best way to care for water at home.
Water is where we PLAY
From a picnic on the beach to paddling down the creek, water offers us a space to relax or share joy. We show our appreciation for the FUN our lakes and rivers provide, by caring for them.
Connect with others out on the water. Join in a fun event or visit a waterway near you.
Water is where we WORK
Our workplaces and schools all rely on water. Breweries, farmers, and even researchers all choose to locate in our area because of the access to freshwater flowing through and around our cities.
Water is WHO WE ARE
Water is life. It’s essential to the health and wellbeing of our bodies and our communities. Water is an important part of our daily lives. How we take care of water reflects how we care for each other.
Be an advocate, learn about new projects happening to protect our precious water.
Create your water story…
Together we can protect Our Water. There are many organizations working together, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. Learn how you can care for Our Water.
Select the button below that best represents your interest in water.